- About
- Introduction
- 397 AD: Ninian: Scotland’s first missionary
- 461 AD: Patrick: Shepherd and Slave
- 545 AD: Crossroads on the Shannon: Kieran of Clonmacnoise
- 563 AD and 1938: Columba and the Iona Community
- 589 AD: Dewi Sant, Saint David of Wales
- 635 AD: Aiden, Cuthbert and the Holy Isle of Lindisfarne
- 664 AD: Hilda and the Synod of Whitby
- 793 AD: King Alfred and the Vikings
- 1093: Queen Margaret, Scotland’s royal saint
- 1128: Monasticism, architecture and the Cistercian Way
- 1534: Fidei Defensor and the Church of England
- 1555: The Oxford Martyrs
- 1560: John Knox and the Scottish Reformation
- 1581 and 1972: Congregationalists, Pilgrim Fathers and the URC
- 1607: The Plantation of Ulster and the Presbyterian Church
- 1608: Baptists and the Dutch connection
- 1647: The Quakers: chocolate, iron and social reform
- 1653: The Westminster Confession of Faith
- 1738: John Wesley and the Methodists
- 1850: On this Rock: the Catholic Church
- 1865: Homecoming: 150 years of the Salvation Army
- 1904 and 1949: Revival in Wales and the Hebrides
- 1920: The Disestablishment of the Church in Wales
- 1962: Wildfires: the ‘arrival’ of the Holy Spirit
- 1962: Cross of Nails: Coventry Cathedral and the Ministry of Reconciliation
- 1965: We are Corrymeela and you are always welcome
- 1990: Is there more to life than this? HTB and the Alpha Course
- 1999: It began with a Vision: the 24–7 Prayer Movement